Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kind of Want Winter

I secretly enjoy winter. The thought is pretty absurd but I don't like to sweat and as fate would have it, I tend to sweat. The bigger point here is that winter in Minnesota is secretly hated but even more insidiously loved. Its the typical passive aggressive nature of someone from Minnesota to proclaim to someone from California that negative 15 isn't that cold. Then you talk up some story about how it snowed 2 feet and you almost froze to death when your car stalled and you act tough.

But when January rolls around and the Mississippi river has frozen over you realize you fucking hate winter, you hate cold, and you certainly hate snow. As time moves on though you realize its nearing September and you want winter again. You want ice and all that other crap. The cycle renews once more. I guess I can wait until after the state fair but it would be nice to have some snow and go skating (ice).

That said I can't have this entire post be about waxing nostalgically for the snow. So I bring this forth...remember in Die Hard 2 when Bruce Willis stabs that guy in the eye with the icicle?! Probably one of the craziest deaths in movie history. Well...not craziest, but it was pretty crazy.

1 comment:

  1. The grass is always greener. At least where I live now there is snow on the ground for maybe two weeks a year and it never drops below zero.


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