Sunday, October 08, 2006

I ate the whole thing

I've been too much of a pussy lately but I'm going to sack up soon enough and buy a Quad Stacker from Burger King as well as a Triple Whopper. I think i can finish them down in about 15 minutes.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pour One Out

Steve Irwin has left us. Every day after this one will ring more hollow than the last.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Don't Turn Around

Listening to music, and yeah Ace of Base is somehow the best band ever.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Temptation Island

Remember that show? I mean why go to an island to ruin your relationship? This leads me to my next point...television is great. How can you not like My Super Sweet 16? The last episode I saw was particularly inspiring. A girl was hosting here super sweet 16 party and this very rude young man knocked over her caked. It was ruined. Her party was offically FUCKED OVER and she was crying. He ended up getting arrested, or at least thrown in a squad car. Tragic really.

Faith In Humanity Meter: Low----------Medium-----X--High

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The List

A "Best or Worst" of list exists to create debate. I think we all know that no one acknowledges any list as being 100% correct since lists are typically created about inherently subjective topics (See: Music or Movies). That being said I present you the list of the Top 5 Movies Starring Jean-Claude Van Damme.

1) Street Fighter
2) Bloodsport
3) Sudden Death (Bonus points cause he actually is in goal for a shift)
4) Universal Soldier
5) Timecop (on the list cause to avoid electrocution in one scene, he actually does aerial splits onto a kitchen counter...if that isn't awesome I don't know what is?!)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Evidently Gas Costs Money

Suddendly the nation awakes to see a goddamn gas crisis of sorts. An article today in the Tribune points out that people are suddendly questioning their awesome home buys out in New Richmond when they realize that their commute to Murderapolis is disrupted by the cost of your soul for the trip. I mean get over it people. Just do what I do. Forcibly make all friends pick me up and drive me around!!

Also if you're not a fan of CraigsList...wake up and try it!!

If this doesn't restore your faith in humanity, what will?!

Olde dude seeks NSA encounter with a sexy lady, I have a small penis, beer belly,lots grey hair on my body, also crooked frame,and boring any gals up for an early morning romp??coffe first ok??, I wont be dissapointed...maybe you could send me a pic???take a chance what the hell...btw I am clean and dd free..expect the same...

Friday, April 28, 2006

Haha at Harvard

So there is that Harvard gal....she's a sophomore, like me, yet she has a book deal. Well as it turns out she is a cheating mother fucker. Kaavya Viswanathan say, "wasn't aware of how much I may have internalized Ms. McCafferty's words."

Hmmm, so she plagarized mad. Publishers, set me up with a book deal and I promise you I'm will deliver the goods.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Haiku For Health

Apartment is hot
My ass is really sweaty
Time for nudity

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Needs more Bacon

We need more bacon flavored things. Also, we need that gum from Willy Wonka that tastes like a full meal, minus of course blowing up to be a giant blueberry thing. I could go for some steak gum right now.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What we need is a plan!

So if we can travel in space, why can't we invent alcohol that gets you awesomely drunk but not awesomely hung over.

Also the asshole who came up with daylight savings time to in fact LOSE an hour should die.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

To Desecration of Geek/Nerd Identity

I've discussed this with many people I know but I think I'm the only one who is really really really fucking bothered by it. Perhaps I'm looking into this far too much but I sort of enjoyed being a nerd/geek. I played videogames, pc games, and was into random crap. In the last few years of my existence though mainstream world and even the goddamn hipster crowd has taken over what I considered my domain. If you play videogames now a days you could be the huge frat dude, the button down business guy, or even a GIRL!! Hey, I'm all for videogame explosion and I like that more people play.

The bigger deal is things like wearing those T-Shirts that have things that say "OLD SCHOOL" and has a picture of a nintendo controller. Or somehow wearing Chuck Taylor's, a shoe that I was all up on in fifth grade is now standard geek chic/hipster decor. First of all, if you think you can flex nuts with a "OLD SCHOOOL" tshirt and have a nintendo controller you better be able to match wits with me. Have you beaten Super Mario Bros. in under 20 minutes? Have you gotten to MINUS WORLD...sure you know the Konami code, but do you know the name of your arch nemesis in Contra? If you're going to embrace this new geek chic, you better be willing to take the bad with the good. P.S. Thick black framed glasses are officially on my list of things that I don't particularly like now.

Make Money Quick

I've decided I'm going to begin begging. I'm not going to hold any old sign though. My sign will say, "Need money to invest." I think I should get a decent amount from the Carlson kids.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The Neverending Fight

Day 42 of Operation Get In Shape: Setback as I decide to sit around and eat and do nothing.

Day 55: I'm fucking lazy.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Poor retirement package at Neverland Ranch

Okay I realize posting back to back is a bit lame but this new story at CNN just rocked me to the core.

California officials have fined Michael Jackson nearly $170,000 and ordered employees at the pop star's Neverland Ranch to stop working, after finding that employees had not been paid since December and the ranch's workers' compensation coverage had been allowed to lapse.

Right.....first of all, who the hell would want to work there? Secondly, I don't know of a single person who would continue to work a job when they aren't being paid. Thirdly, Michael Jackson is a nutbag. But more to the point, who the hell works when not being paid?! Also if you've read more of that article the description of Neverland Ranch is seriously spooky. So there you have it. The MAN is trying to shut down Neverland.

Summarized: 80's was the Best Decade Ever

We will never see a decade like the 80's. It was clearly the greatest time for pop-music innovation that the world has seen. From the Rubik's Cube to Miami Vice popular culture was at its peak.

If you could only have it one way, would you want Grunge forever or Duran Duran forever? I think the obvious choice is Duran Duran. Okay, I'm going to come clean with you. This whole post was just an attempt to be able to post lyrics of Hungry Like the Wolf. There, I said it. This is the greatest song of all time.

Burning the ground I break from the crowd
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
I smell like I sound, I’m lost and I’m found
And I’m hungry like the wolf
Strut on a line, it’s discord and rhyme
I’m on the hunt I’m after you
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I’m hungry like the wolf

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Can someone take me the the East Coast?!

So I just want to know, does New Jersey smell? And if so, why does it smell so damn bad?

In another stunning revelation, after reading the Tipping Point, I found out that Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon is a farce!! HE ISN'T EVEN THE MOST CONNECTED MAN IN HOLLYWOOD. Today the earth trembles.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Blogger Down

So Blogger was down last night at around 12-1am CST. I had a really good post going in my head. Blogger wouldn't let me login. That awesomeness was lost in the night of sleep. Words of brilliance that are lost forever.

In lighter news, 20 students got suspended for online threats in MySpace. How awesome.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Open Bus Seats

Word 'em up, yo
Word 'em up, yo
I just let the rap game
Out of a choke hold

So whats up with riding the bus, more particularly the campus connector and there is that one open seat and there are lots of people standing yet there is that strong social stigma from sitting? I broke down walls today when I sat when others would not. Remember me as a Rosa Parks like figure please.

Also, what is up with Rosa Parks? She fought to sit in the front. In middle school and High school when I rode the bus all the cool kids sat in the back! Or is this whole line of joking and sarcasm too soon? I meant to say, why sell a large plot of land for 28 beads. Beads kick ass.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Am I sick or what?

So today I'm walking down the street towards class. Of course its the classic man vs. machine. I walk when the sign clearly says "WALK." Of coures a car decides to start to turn and has to stop mid intersection. At that point I was kind of wishing the car would hit me enough where I flew up on the hood and fell to the ground. My line of thinking was that I would just flop to the ground and not move. Hopefully said motorist would pull over and come up to me. At that point I would jump up and do one of two things.

1) Motorist is female (hopefully younger and was on cell phone): I would jump up right when she got near and fly off the handle. I would swear and swear and swear and swear and tell her she is dumb etc. I would grab her cell phone and throw it down on the ground and make her cry.

2) Motorist is male: I would get up and quickly and swiftly hit them in the groin and then swear at them something to the effect of "Don't Funk with me" and then walk off.

Of course there would be option 3 where in fact I actually die....or its just an old person who shouldn't be driving anyways. Luckily, or maybe unluckily the car stopped and that was all. My fantasies of exploding and causing a scene were denied.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Honk if you demand Satisfaction

So I'm hung over. I'm at work. Hmmmm, Pita Pit is only a block away and sounds good. My manager gives me money to get her something too.

*Enters Store*

Hi, yep I'd like a philly steak and cheese....Oh so you're out of steak? Okay I'll get a chicken ceasar....out of bacon too. Ummm yeah I guess bacon bits will act as a worthy substitution for real bacon. Yeah, could I get extra cheese on that its 75 cents extra for more cheese.

At this point I'm thinking what the hell?! For one, how does a food establishment of any type just run out of food. Thats like going to a McDonalds and they say "Yeah we're out of nuggets." Then this guy has the balls to want to charge me extra for a handful of cheese when they don't even have what I want? Service industry be damned.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Staying In Shape Sucks

Worth Noting: I'm not in shape yet am trying to be.
Also Worth Noting: Getting motivated to get in shape sucks.
Definitley Worth Noting: Beer is filled with lots of calories.
Truth Defined: Chipotle fucking rocks.

Thursday, January 12, 2006


The rumors were swirling...could it really be happening?! The local athletic club after going through renovations has added a lot. I guess they have new tennis courts...but something more stunning is the inclusion of a SLAMBALL COURT. Yes, the same SLAMBALL that swept the nation and promtly went back to the land of obscurity is now in the local athletic club albeit a few years late. This is good news. SLAMBALL was the future of basketball, and I intend to try it.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Store of Books

Me: Do You have this book? (says title)

Store Clerk: Hmm, let me check. It should be on this table over here.
----- It isn't

Store Clerk: Thats weird, we had a lot of copies earlier this week.

Me: Thats fine.

That was the highlight of my day.