Thursday, June 30, 2005

Apology to the Waltons

Clearly my damnation of Sam Walton was out of line. I didn't realize the power I wielded until a few days ago when I heard John Walton died in a plane crash. My cursing of Sam clearly was at fault when John died. For that I'm sorry.

In other news, I don't think I've eaten fruit in like 2 weeks. Thats bad.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Target vs. Wal-Mart

So after some thinking and shopping, its clear that Target has much more attractive employees at the check out lanes. I'm willing to wait that extra minute or two to have that two second, "Yes I found everything fine" *pause for akward smile and silence* It really makes my day. Wal-Mart check out folk are usually pretty damn haggard. Also, even though Wal Mart has 4000 check out lanes usually 3 are open. One more thing...wha t the hell is up with self check out lanes. The concept boggles my mind since I'm thinking why the hell should I have to check out my own stuff. Thats what the employees are for. I mean what's next? The customers having to go into the warehouse to grab down random bulks of stuff...oh wait, its called Sam's Club! I say damn you Sam Walton!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Homeless Fashions

To my faithful reader out there, I think its time that I venture into fashion. Its clear that female fahsion is getting really crappy. I for one welcome visible skin at any situation but quite frankly these gals are getting charged a few hundred dollars for less fabric than my last pair of underwear. Furthermore whats up with those Ugg boots or whatever the hell they're called. If I wanted Inuit fashion I would seriously become a Inuit and not just wear these ugly ass snow boot things with jeans in June.

Also in hopes of being an internet superstar I need money. I'm not a chick who spent to much on her credit card or anything like that. I don't claim to be crazy. I just need money and I'm not rich. Donate. If you want to donate leave comments please and I will post my adress.

Thursday, June 02, 2005


Assuming my readership has peaked at 3 people, I'm going to make this simple. I enjoy life so much yet it goes ahead anyways and fucks me over hardcore. In any event, I'm planning on becoming super famous and rich so you can thank me when I shout you guys out later on when Im' on some lame talk show
