Monday, October 31, 2005

Christmas is Over

Yeah, so I guess there is a filter that I can turn on so randoms can't post, but I kind of like having a weirdo named Kim offer me UGG boots through the comment system here. It makes me feel totally random and unspecial.

In other news I decide to go home, meet the family, possibly get free food. Well as it turns out going home was not the smartest idea. 1) I had to rake leaves for a while 2) It sucks ass getting dog hair on my newly washed clothes....


3) Thats right, I don't get presents from my mom. The reason being evidently they want to get back to the real meaning of christmas...that being presents....or so I thought. Turns out they want to sponsor a family so they can have a fun time while I sit home on christmas morning to open up jack shit. Sounds fun...sure I'll get stuff from the rest of my semi-large family but this is seriously F'd up. Its Christmas goddamnit. I'm a greedy american who demands gifts. Rampant consumerism is my name, buying pointless crap is my GAME!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Yeah, Blogs suck

So I'm getting spam comments in the blog now. Blogs officially suck.

Seperate but Equal

What is a guy to do on campus when he has to use the bathroom facilities. Well the big thing would probably be finding a facility to use. I haven't been in every hall on campus but the ones I have been on have been lacking Mens rooms a plenty. Blegen from my understanding has one mens bathroom and about infinity womens. The time has come to unite against women, womyn, and transvestites. I'm going to definitley fantasize about writing a nasty editorial while I'm in class today about the need for more bathrooms.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

So about Random Facts

I was going to start his post with a witty anecdotal fact about nothing. I did do that and it was about Bob Dole and giving senate tours to relieve stress when I realized the post sucked. I'm hungry.

Also I bought a powerball ticket so starting later tonight I will be financially set for the rest of my life. So I read that this LOSER at Macalester College says not to buy tickets. He also says "I am not a lottery buyer, and I think you will find most mathematicians are not, Most of the time the odds are against you, so if you play it many, many times, on the whole, you will end up losing." Yeah you idiot, thats why its the lottery....not the "win money all the time contest." I suppose most mathematicians don't like having fun either because the laws of probability are against having fun when you suck. I can't wait until I win so I can go to Macalester and just buy them a new math building and then name it "MATH SUCKS HALL."

One final note, he also says that I'm six times more likely to be elected president. Unlikely since I wasn't born in America. TAKE THAT MATH.

Monday, October 17, 2005

To My Two Readers

First off I knew I'd eventually post. Second, who are these lame ass guys posting comments who are just trying to get me to click the link so they make a few cents. I hate you!! Finally, according to the new Blender mag I was reading on the can, t.a.T.u is back and not lesbian. Its a bit of a shock to me as one of them even has a kid now. I think the new angle should be they are just really drunk russians.