Monday, March 30, 2009

Steady as She Goes

Well well well. After a few days off on the ol' blog, Scott's back!!! GET'R'DUNNNN!!!!

Seriously though, there are a few things on my mind. First, the iphone. I love it and there are a ton of games that are coming out that have me excited. Namely, Risk! It doesn't get much nerdier than playing a board game on a cell phone...especially when that game is Risk.

Secondly, what is the deal with bathrooms being locked? I think I might have already ranted on about this but this past weekend I was in a store and the bathroom is locked. I needed to get a token to go use it. Tokens are held by the store employees. In theory this isn't a bad idea. It stops a homeless man or woman from posting up in the bathroom and generally making that place their own shower/human feces wall mural. On the other hand, I just want to piss and you're making me go ask someone. And its always the same song and dance. You walk into the store and pretend to browse the racks for a few minutes. Casually go up to an employee and ask them some unrelated question about some shirt and then you go, "By the way do you have a bathroom token?" Sure, you play it off like it AIN'T NO THANG, but the truth is your forehead and upper lip are sweating. You are tapping your feet and the only look in your eyes is panic because you had to use the bathroom 10 minutes ago but spent the aformentioned 10 minutes pretending to browse instead of urgently rushing up to the nearest employee screaming in baby talk "SCOTT NEED PEEPEE!!!"

In conclusion, all employers please keep bathrooms unlocked.

In second conclusion, don't you hate it when you're in a bathroom that is only a single toilet and you lock the door and then someone comes up to the bathroom door and aggressively starts trying to open the door when its clearly locked. I always fear that its going to be some Andre the Giant size dude who breaks the door open and sees me sitting on the toilet about to take a crap and all we can do is stare at each other for prolonged awkward seconds before he goes, "Ohh, uhh sorry didn't realize someone was in here."

1 comment:

  1. you don't even know how long i've been waiting for your return to the blogosphere...if i wasn't so tired i'd be ashamed at how nerdy i am.


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