Thursday, April 02, 2009

April Fools

Or how about fuck you. April Fools is worthless.

-This blog post is soundtracked by MGMT - Future Reflections

Personally I think this song is better if it was listened to in the fall. October/Novemberish while I'm driving around campus with the windows down and bright orange leaves falling to the ground and being blown about. This of course is completely fantasy because I don't own a car, am not in college, and never ever had this happen to me....but false nostalgia is the best nostalgia in my opinion.

Lastly, there are a couple incidents of Japanese guys who either were in such isolation/loyalty to their country that they never surrendered until years later. Now this created a bit of a stir in Japan as both a great reminder of the power of nationalism and their loyalty to their country but also kind of fucking weird if you're in the jungle for 20 years not getting any orders and just sitting around thinking the war may or may not be going on. This brings me to my next point....Johnny Quest (The New Adventures of). A few years ago I was watching this show and their was this episode where Johnny Quest goes into the forest in the New England area and either through some sort of time travel fuck or something, the American Revolution is still being fought and people think its still going on.

In concept, this sounds kind of dumb...but I really like it. In fact I'd like to think that some place in some isolated island at some point "modern" civilization hit the island but then left cutting off the people so they have this crystalized moment of popular culture. On this island they were indoctrinated to the ways and culture of whomever originally stopped by and stayed for a few years but no longer progressed from the outside and merely grew organically from the inside. To give a hypothetical situation, well, you can get probably 2 situations. One is a 'Blast From the Past' (Brendan Fraser movie) esque situation where someone gets stuck in one time period and doesn't progress past a certain point. For this isolated group of people then it could always be the 1880's. Huge mustaches never went out of fashion and no one knows what the fuck antibiotics are. More intersting would be at a certain point the outside influence of say the United States stops, but from their a new hybridized version continues. So lets say this island gets lots of American pop culture up through the 50's. Looking purely at music you could say that Elvis at his peak hits and you get lots of good jazz and all that but then you cut them off and from their does rock and roll progress on its own but now in some weird fucking new form?

Do we come back in 30 years and find that its traced a similar but obviously different path? Did any of what I just said make sense?? San Dimas High School Football Rules?!


  1. we no longer speak of the time of the cat...

  2. wow. that was a rambler if I've ever read one, but you one me over with the Bill & Ted ref at the end.


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