Monday, January 11, 2010

So Stupid A Caveman Can Do It (And the NY Times Can Report It)

I like you New York Times. I really do. I like reading you and you often have in depth coverage on interesting things. But knock it off with this shit. Article: CLICK HERE

Long story short, "new cavemen" will only eat and exercise like cavemen while simultaneously living in the least cavemanish city in the world; New York City.

The caveman lifestyle, in Mr. Durant’s interpretation, involves eating large quantities of meat and then fasting between meals to approximate the lean times that his distant ancestors faced between hunts. Vegetables and fruit are fine, but he avoids foods like bread that were unavailable before the invention of agriculture. Mr. Durant believes the human body evolved for a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and his goal is to wean himself off what he sees as many millenniums of bad habits.
Instead of eating three square meals a day, many of New York’s cavemen fast intermittently, up to 36 hours at a stretch. Fasting is a topic of banter at the Union Square West apartment where Matthew Sanocki and his brother, Andrew, live and run design-related e-commerce Web sites.
Andrew Sanocki, 38, a former Navy officer, explained that he preferred working out on an empty stomach near the end of a fast, and then following up with a large meal. This is a common caveman schedule, intended to reflect the exertion that ancient humans put into finding food. It is as if, Mr. Sanocki explained, “we’ve gone out and killed something, and now we have to eat it.”
Upon visiting Mr. Durant’s apartment for the first time, in August, Mr. Averbukh scowled at a tomato plant on his host’s roof deck.
“Cavemen don’t eat nightshades,” Mr. Averbukh, 29, said. He explained that tomatoes are part of the nightshade family, arguing that they are native to the New World and could not have been part of humanity’s earliest diet. Mr. Durant shrugged. (Mr. Durant said later that there was nothing uncavemannish about eating tomatoes.)

If you just read through those blurbs I just copied and pasted you realize how stupid this sounds. What the article also pointed out at least though is that 12000 years ago if you were a caveman you probably died a violent and terrible death before you were 30. Plus if you don't eat bread you're fucking missing out. Bread is one of the staples of human life for thousands of years...sure cavemen didn't eat bread but you know what else cavemen didn't do? Drive a car or use the internet.

The dudes are trying to reverse evolution and they think they can do this by eating raw meat and fasting once in a while...except you know, they still live in New York and acknowledge they don't plan on giving up any of the creature comforts of the modern age.

The quote though that takes the cake on this article is this:

“I didn’t want to do some faddish diet that my sister would do,” Mr. Durant said.

So I'll be the first to admit this blog had very little of my own input and just copied and pasted a lot but I can't apologize for that. Now to go forage for meat in the Hollywood Hills. To add a few more comments here, one guy exercises by "leaping between boulders, playing catch with stones" which he feels are "primal, essential skills that everyone should have." Uh huh...I know I'm screwed when I go hiking in the back country and I can't properly play catch with boulders.

Link Fixed!


  1. That caveman shit is preposterous. Also, there's no link to the full story, and I feel like one has to make it through the whole thing to properly disdain those fools.

  2. You're right. I'll fix it...Thats what I get for copying and pasting from Word in to blogger.


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