Friday, January 15, 2010

I Don't Want Kids to Read

Nothing bothers me more (NOTHING!!! Except wet socks and when the homeless person asks you for money and you just gave a dollar to the homeless guy ten feet before this current homeless guy and you now feel like explaining that your charity has been used up for the day but instead you lie and just say "Sorry man" without making eye contact and then speed walking to Barnes and Noble so you can read magazines you won't buy) than when I feel out of the loop culturally. I'm of course talking about both Twilight and Harry Potter.

I don't know any names of any characters in Twilight and I don't really even know what its about besides vampire teen angst. This isn't really a problem except I like playing trivia. Even if its a real basic trivia question about Twilight I just won't know anything. Twilight and Harry Potter have now become cultural institutions within a broader pop culture landscape and I can't escape that. When I'm supposed to know who Snivelous Snognarimous Shiancoe is and what secret magic spell he casts on some flying dragon creature in the 4th book all I can do is look directly in to the camera and say, "WHY I AUGHT-AHHH!!!!" while shaking my fist rapidly in the air.

I just do not give a shit about either franchise and it is a gigantic black hole of knowledge for which I doubt I will ever fill. This isn't a hatefest (not affiliated with Lilith Fair) directed at those who read the books. I am not going to read them because I'm not interested in them. With Harry Potter at least these books are from what I've heard pretty well written and entertaining enough for its targeted demographic. On the other hand I hear Twilight is poorly written and just not that compelling.

The following was a tiny rant by a bitter old man. Get off my lawn.

1 comment:

  1. I have succumbed to both franchises. Rather willingly with Twilight (it is pretty poorly written...but you know...I'm a girl, and it's about sexy vampire).

    I resisted the Potter sensation, and just this past month or two gave in. I have to say...I understand a lot more facebook status updates now. Who knew everyone is STILL talking about Potter?


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