Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The Passion of the Scott

I don't really like to talk or write about myself. It is a bit too easy to try to talk ones self up. Of course by giving the title of this post 'The Passion of the Scott' I pretty much pointed out how I am a Christ like figure. My "passion" is not about getting beat the holy hell out of though. Mine is simple. I wake up in the morning (no mom gives out a warning) and I have the day off. I rise and prepare to go to the Indian (as in India, not as in those dudes who call corn maize) place near my house and skateboard down a hill towards the destination. I arrive, already mentally prepared to feast and when I get there the damn place is closed. No sign, no notice, just that its not open right now. To clarify, the place is not closed forever, just not open right now. This pisses me off and I look in through the tinted windows. I see nothing....except some dude sleeping on a couch in the little lobby area? So basically I didn't get the lunch I wanted because they either did not open for lunch today or the chef/owner/random dude didn't want to wake up.

To radically shift gears, I watched Cliffhanger again last night on Hulu. Now, I am too lazy to search through my post history but I think I might have mentioned Cliffhanger just weeks ago. Never the less, Michael Rooker probably best known for his starring role in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer and probably also Rowdy Burns in Days of Thunder is a tour-de-force in the film. And by Tour-De-Force, I mean he literally spends 3/4ths of his lines and time on screen running in slow motion whilst screaming/yelling for another character to "RUNNN!!!!" or "GET THE HELL OUT THERE!!!!" The other 1/4th of screen time is him getting punched, pistol whipped, kicked, and generally getting the shit kicked out of him. If I had a DVD of Cliffhanger I would rip it and upload a compilation of all his screams/yells/getting hurt scenes in Cliffhanger...it would be 15 minutes long.

Finally, I end up living in a rather insular world. I have already pointed out I'm not really into music that much. If Third Eye Blind is playing on the radio thats just fine with me. Evidently the newest craze is a gal named Lady Ga Ga (according to my google search I guess its GAGA). I am dead serious when I say I've never heard a song she has done nor could I tell you where she is from, what type of music she does, or if this is all a big practical joke being perpetrated by the Illuminati to make Scott feel stupid. I did just see her on the cover of Rolling Stone for the most part naked.

(Side Bar: I hate how Rolling Stone is now just a regular sized magazine. Not sure when this happened but I'm sure they played it off like they're going green or some stupid bullshit. Oh boy, we saved 100 trees!! Who cares, I want my oversized magazine when I take a dump.)

Anyhow, you might be asking yourselves, "But Scott, what brings this sudden onset of Lady Gaga into your world and why?!" Well my loyal readers, its because of The Onion's actual and usually well written evil twin, The AV Club. There is some interview with her that is posted in the video section where she talks about a few random things with some British Interviewer. Highlights of the interview include how she only wants huge cocks in sexual partners (WHO DOESN'T?!), how she might be bi-sexual (who isn't these days?!?), and how she can't even remember that music is supposedly her passion. The following exchange goes like this,

"That reduces my ambitions to sex, fame, and . . . what's the other one?"


"Yeah. . ."

Watch the interview if you want to hate life.

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