Thursday, June 04, 2009

I Beat the AV Club

I'm sure if you go to the Onion's AV Club you might have noticed that they blogged about "Funemployment" too. Well before you think ol' Brown Eyes (That's my new nickname and yeah its can be misinterpreted) ripped off the AVCLUB be aware I got my post about this well before they did!!

Their article was posted approximately 2:15pm today. Mine was done at 1 in the morning today. I DIDN'T PLAGARIZE!!!

AV Club Here:,28809/

Yeah, take that haters.

Now something near and dear to my heart. The House of Hecker. Seeing the glorious rise of an automotive empire crumble has been somewhat tragic and bizarre. Denny Hecker aka That Dude who has his mug plastered all over the sides of buses and bus stops in the Twin Cities has hit rock bottom. He is being sued by everyone and according to the latest news, owes over 1 Billion Dollars to various people. A self made man that just hasn't been able to make it in this crap economy. I take solace in knowing one thing...America loves a comeback story.

Lastly the New York Times video section has this thing called Bloggingheads which is just two bloggers who are trying to dress professionally but just look stupid debate important issues of our time while wearing shitty microphone setups and recorded in low resolution webcams. I don't know who the man and woman were debating North Korea and possibilities that could lead to war but the entire premise of talking heads debating on cable, the internet, or radio is that those engaged in a debate have previous credibility so their opinions carry more weight. Obviously cable news has sometimes shredded this credibility but for the most part I play along and everything is fine. On the other hand, why should I listen to two people arguing on the internet? There is no credibility and a lot of porn. Speaking of which, I have some "research" to do.

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