Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ugly in New York

First off. There's this:

Great and good. Time for the lightning round.

Kim Jong Il - He died. Given the amount of books I've read about North Korea, the time spent reading/thumbing through think tank speculation papers on the future of Asia, and my interest in that region in general I'd argue I'm probably in the top 10 percent in the United States as far as actually sort of vaguely understanding how North Korea operates and what the future may hold. Yeah I think he was a weird, eccentric, and ultimately awful human being. I also can laugh at all the random (but lets be clear here annoying since there are way too many of them) tumblr/photo sites where Kim Jong Il looks at shit. And god I hope things work out. An immediate collapse of the North Korean government would be awful for a number of reasons but so would some drawn out situation that they are involved in now. The volume of suffering is immense and well pardon me while I not laugh that much at the 48th "Me so ronery" joke. On the other hand its so bizarre that you just can't help but laugh and feel bad all at once.

Kim Kardashian - I don't get it. She did a sex tape. Her dad was friends and somewhat of a legal representative for O.J. Most famously known for reading what at the time sounded like a chilling suicide note. Don't get it twisted. I understand the forces that make her a star. What I don't get is why people think she is amazingly beautiful. Also her sister Khloe looks hideous and in 15 years she'll either be anorexic or gigantic and be fluctuating weight like she's a member of Wilson Philips.

Dubstep - You know its getting big when its in the new GI Joe trailer. Right? GIVE ME THOSE FAT DROPS!

Young Adult - MINNESOTA! Haven't seen it yet. Going tomorrow. Will report.

The Proud Return of Scenes From Films that Make/Have Made at One Point Scott Cry:

First of all this scene isn't even fair. You've got a sad song (with a children chorus which is basically fucking cheating) and you have the fact that this is a true story.

As a stereotypical dude, sports movies are occasionally my weakness. Many verge on the level of bullshit and I don't really get choked up. But you need no context (and this scene is scientifically backed as a scene that will cause people to lose it) for a scene like this. Did I mention it has a kid in it? Not fair. It won't let me embed it but I warn you. Only the coldest human could avoid crying. And you don't need context on this because the movie really isn't that great.

Click if You Dare

Slightly more violent and not for the squeamish but Giovanni Ribisi's death scene in Saving Private Ryan is a real classic punch to the gut.


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