Thursday, December 01, 2011


Get it? It's snowing right now.

Grantland had a 'Worst Toys of the 80's List' that was shockingly short but also wrong! Which is not to say I disagree. It is worth noting that the commercial they have embedded on their page is definitely from the 90's. Though as far as I'm aware Crossfire the game had been around since the 70's and perhaps they never had a commercial for it in the 80's.

Story Here:

The list for the lazy was Simon, Etch A Sketch Animator, Crossfire, Pogo Bal, and Teddy Ruxpin.

I did have a Teddy Ruxpin but I only remember this because I distinctly remember having it around. But I don't remember much beyond the fact that at the point I can remember I think I had lost all the cassette tapes for it so it couldn't read me shit. I do remember having a educational (maybe?) toy that connected to the television but for whatever reason I believe I had to get rid of it because it was messing up the television. Thank god I ended up getting a Nintendo.

I'm so out of the damn loop because I don't have kids, but do kids these days even play with cars or things like Micro Machines? Conceptually micro machines are stupid and awful. To put it plainly, they are cheaper smaller versions of die cast cars. They are made of plastic. And since they're so small they will get lost easier. I was obsessed with these. I loved the military ones. I also recall getting a small drum set from my uncle when I was about four or five. Twenty some odd years later I regret not getting in to drums at the time or even taking lessons. I could be a world famous drummer traveling the world, drinking myself in to oblivion, and setting myself up for a run on Celebrity Rehab already. I blew it.

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