Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Was Probably a Good Idea at One Point

HBO's Real Sex Documentary Series. Yeah, it's late at night and you are bored. You probably were ready to go to bed but then on the channel guide it says "Real Sex." Intrigued you surf over to're in luck, its just starting. The advisory thing comes up and it says that this has nudity, adult content, and adult situations. At this point you're probably getting excited. Then it turns out you are watching a 20 minute segment on a 'Swingers Commune' in Northern California where overweight people who look like the woman who is sitting at the table and judges "Best Fruit Preserves" for the Dakota County Fair extol the virtues of having sex at least twice a day with a stranger. Then I vomit and cry myself to sleep only to awaken 2 hours later in a cold sweat. I will run into the shower with my clothes on and wash off the shame with 15 minutes of cold water running over me.


My grandma always and still refers to her couch as a DAVENPORT. This always confused me because there was a town called Davenport that is located in Iowa. As it turns out Davenport is the name of a company/brand that became so popular that it became a general term for a sofa/couch. Much the way Kleenex is a brand but people will just call a facial tissue a kleenex. No matter the explanation I still find it quaint and awesome. Much like she prefers the use of the word slacks and I believe she preferred the hydrox to the oreo.


  1. ha i like those kinds of sex documentaries the best! i remember seeing one back in the day about those life-like sex dolls.

    my grandma calls handicapped people "cripples" and refers to me as "that oriental." (jk...sort of)

  2. I saw a sex doc on HBO once about how they make the molds for the porn star vaginas that they sell in sex shops. It was pretty cool.

    my grandma once said someone was a mongloid. I almost fell off my chair. I told her she couldn't say that anymore.

    Also, I hate the words "slacks" and "panties" - especially when old people say them.

    Davenport is pretty cool.


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