Fat People: Look, I get that there are body shapes of all sizes. I'm no skinny spring chicken here. That said, when you have to wear size 60 pants (Note: I am talking specifically about the really fat guy on the bus I see) at least have some goddamn dignity. I mean, you're wearing sweat pants, a shirt that does not fit right and cover your overhanging belly, and you are asleep on the bus snoring you are really just holding a giant sign that is lit up with a big Neon Pink sign that says "I'm a fat fucking slob please hate me." You're asleep on a bus....which by the way if you've ever taken LA Metro transit you know that these drivers are driving like there is a pack of angry hornets chasing them and ready to sting their pupils and the buses are generally noisy and very unsmooth rides you get the idea that this fat dude really can sleep through anything.

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