Sunday, March 30, 2008

Last Night was Odd

First time ever I went to the bar Ground Zero. It was certainly a new situation as most bars I've been too don't have a show where people can get whipped and or have hot wax dripped on them. To be honest though the bar was pretty decent although the pounding music got a bit old. Either way things could have been zipper could have been down the whole night.

One thing I never could understand though is the dudes who will start dancing around by themselves and they honestly seem like they're having a lot of fun...either that or they're just way to into it for their own good. I am barely comfortable enough with myself to dance in the first place, but to go solo on the dance floor. There is something admirable about such courage. On the other hand if you suck, you suck so don't do it.

1 comment:

  1. By all means...please introduce TML or wherever! And have to give props to the dudes that just rock out at Ground Zero by themselves. Be careful though...if it looks like you're having too much fun there they will get bummed. I've seen it happen


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