Yeah, so I guess there is a filter that I can turn on so randoms can't post, but I kind of like having a weirdo named Kim offer me UGG boots through the comment system here. It makes me feel totally random and unspecial.
In other news I decide to go home, meet the family, possibly get free food. Well as it turns out going home was not the smartest idea. 1) I had to rake leaves for a while 2) It sucks ass getting dog hair on my newly washed clothes....
3) Thats right, I don't get presents from my mom. The reason being evidently they want to get back to the real meaning of christmas...that being presents....or so I thought. Turns out they want to sponsor a family so they can have a fun time while I sit home on christmas morning to open up jack shit. Sounds fun...sure I'll get stuff from the rest of my semi-large family but this is seriously F'd up. Its Christmas goddamnit. I'm a greedy american who demands gifts. Rampant consumerism is my name, buying pointless crap is my GAME!