Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continue....

First a bomb shell. Everyone bemoans Lindsay Lohan's weight issues and in particular people seem to latch on to the fact that she "looked better as a full figured chick in Mean Girls." I respectfully disagree. The slightly coked out thinner contemporary Lindsay Lohan is thus far my favorite iteration. I am not for the insanely thin Lohan...I'd say we're on about Lohan Model 4.0 at this point and I'd say this is my favorite one. Not too skinny and yeah real women have curves but I if we're talking about random celebrities I'm not talking real women. With that bomb shell lets move on.

Los Angeles will become what Mad Max/The Road Warrior was in about twenty years. Deep down I have a love affair with this city. It has way too many things wrong with it and is dysfunctional as hell but when the sun is setting and I'm looking out at the coast line and you get one of those insanely awesome postcard setting views I can't help but be happy. That happiness is soon clouded by the fact that this city is really terrible. Lets look past the insanity that is the traffic out here. Los Angeles + Traffic Issues is now an inherent problem. The Droughts. There is currently a water shortage. There is always water issues since it rarely rains here and when it does its not a hardcore thunderstorm but rather a light misting. You wouldn't know greater LA area is in drought mode though because they everyone is still watering their lawns (Despite Water Restrictions) and even the grassy boulevards that divide streets are green....which is really impossible considering it hasn't rained a drop where I live for at least 1 and a half months if not more.

You may have watched the movie Chinatown. Los Angeles had water issues back in the 50's. Last time I checked there are a few more people here than in 1950. The Los Angeles River is a concrete channel. This is an desert like climate. Therefore my theory of Mad Max esque living will come to fruition soon when water shortages become the standard. In place of fuel/petrol is now water. It will be awesome because I plan on stocking up and then becoming a water baron (think railroad baron of the early 20th century with less monicles and stove pipe hats and more cigar smoking and laughing at poor people).

One other interesting thing is that whenever Los Angeles is in the "future" and they want to show how shitty it is, why do they always show the Hollywood sign on fire? The sign is already a big piece of crap. The letters are now made of metal. It couldn't really catch fire. I have a beef with this. I'll admit. This was a ruse. I can only think of one movie off the top of my head with that issue and its Demolition Man. This is a good movie. Watch the intro here for obligatory burning hollywood sign.

1 comment:

  1. 1> I completely agree about current LiLo. She ain't looking too bad...a little coke-y, but that works for her.

    2> I think I referenced Demolition Man in 4 seperate conversations last week, I'm glad you referenced it here - that movie is tits.


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