Were you all aware that the "bachelor pad" was in a serious decline?! Especially the bachelor pads in New York City! Well it is. It used to be cool to have a really awesome expensive place to entice the opposite sex but now that we're in a recession shit gets rough.
Take for example this piece of shit.

This is Jason Brooks. He used to be a tv host for a crappy MTV show.
“It’s such a bizarre shift from where I was to where I am now,” said Mr. Brooks, who is now divorced. “I catch myself trying to make excuses for this place. Like before anyone comes up, I’m like, ‘Yeah, it’s like an airplane cabin.’ ”
Mr. Brooks, who says he lives off royalties from his past music career, also worked in information technology until he was laid off about a year ago.
In his old married apartment in the financial district, he said, two walls were devoted to shelves showcasing his vast sneaker collection. In his new single-again apartment, shared with a pug puppy called Brooks Junior, he needs a penlight to help him excavate footwear from the mountain of clothing jammed into his small closet — though he says it’s only one-eighth of what he owned in more prosperous times.
First of all, the dude is paying the same amount I make in an entire month for his tiny apartment. Secondly, he named his dog after himself. Who does that? Yeah you might name your kid after yourself...something to ensure some sort of legacy of your existence lives on. But your dog, really? Oh thats my dog, Brooks Junior...yep. I get the virtues of not coveting thy neighbors massive amounts of money but you know what, I can't help it. He was spending 5000 a month on a place. Thats a lot of money. Am I supposed to feel any shred of empathy for this dude? As it turns out he now has divorced his wife and is in this bachelor pad that is a airplane cockpit size. He goes on to say how he can't have parties because its too small. Well boohoo, you live in New York...go out or something. You could for 1600 a month live like a badass dude in a multitude of other cities in the United States. You could also start purchasing land in Detroit and build a mini slum empire.
The rest of the article goes on to essentially say these key components.
-When the economy doesn't suck young men who make lots of money like expensive swanky ass places.
-People are poor now so they have to get creative.
-Women don't care about how shitty a dudes place is because every dude is poor now!
-What reality were these people living in and why does the New York Times continue to taunt me with these articles?
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