I put a lot of thought into this last night while I was drinking...alone. If you didn't guess, I'm single because I thought about DVD covers while I was drinking alone on Valentines. Jesus christ that sounds bad.
Anyways, you may or may not notice that when movies come out there is usually one or two standard one sheets that come out and are placed in theaters promoting these upcoming titles. They typically range from terrible, to boring. Then another funnier thing happens. When it comes out on Blu-Ray or DVD the marketers decide to change up the poster from the actual theatrical release and usually just throw up the ol' "FLOATING HEADS" treatment for a dvd cover so all the people who are complete morons and buy dvds based only on covers will buy The Departed because it evidently has Matt Damon and Leo Dicaprio and they somehow didn't know this prior to buying it.

Even stupider is when a DVD has been out for a while...take the film Varsity Blues (which I really fucking love) and own. The original cover had a publicity still that I believe doubled as the films poster. It had the whole cast in a 'casual hey we're hanging out' pose either sitting in and or around the truck that Billy Bob owns and drives to school in the film. Well at some point in the last year the powers that be decide that this cover is fucking lame and instead they'll insert a really shitty photoshop composite picture for the cover. Seriously, this looks really fucking lame.

Which brings me to the best of the best of the worst cover of all time. This has been documented on multiple sites in the past but its worth noting. Check out the cover to Scrubs season 4. Notice anything weird?? MAYBE ITS ZACH BRAFF'S WRIST BENDING THE WRONG WAY OR HIS SNAKE LIKE ARM BEING FUCKING LONG AND FUCKED UP?!?!

Laziest fucking photoshop job ever. Also in part 2 of the ongoing series of scenes that make me cry (adding a little note that it doesn't have to be straight up balling, rather its the typical "MAN CRY" where you know are starting to tear up but you refuse to let yourself get to that point so as Bill Simmons points out, you act like Tom Cruise in Top Gun after goose dies and you're holding it in with that quivering lower lip but thats it)...I leave you with another scene. Not sure if this is just me but any movie no matter how bad can usually at the very least get my a bit choked up if it involves a long paegant like funeral (think soldier or cop or firefighter death ceremony).
Actually I won't post the clip since it is rather violent and I can't really find this scene specifically since youtube is a clusterfuck to search for clips. Anyways in Saving Private Ryan there are obviously several pretty brutal scenes but the one that kills me is where the medic played by Giovanni Ribisi is dying. His anguish and the futile attempts made by his squadmates to at the very least ease his pain always get me.
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