Which brings up another point...fat people. I have an unhealthy obsession with watching those shows on TLC about the people who weight 842 pounds and haven't walked in 3 years. They show some nasty stuff on those programs yet the beautiful people of the world are not allowed to flash a bit of ass crack. HOW DARE THEY!!!
Which brings me to my last point of the night. America is evidently in the grips of an obesity crisis. I've talked about this in a previous blog post, but what about the fat people in the news reports? I feel sorry for them. Does the woman about to chomp into that Double Whopper know her face is going to be plastered on the front page of the USA Today? How fucking terrible would you feel if that happened?

You think this man or woman (not sure which...kind of sad really but anyhow!) knew they were getting a picture taken of them for some article about obesity? They come home after a hard day at work grab the paper and "HOLY SHIT." Those are my fucking pants I wore today...and that loose fitting ugly blue shirt was mine too!! I'M A FAT WHALE MONSTER!! Tragic really.
On the plus side (haha get it..plus side...as in they are bigger, like plus size) if I just maintain my weight and everyone else gains...I'll be skinny soon enough!
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