Friday, September 24, 2010


In the ultimate sign of lazy behavior, I had two baked potatoes and cottage cheese for dinner. Pretty pitiful.

But I have to give it up to the Irish. They get a lot more credit than they deserve, but the potato that I know is the one that crossed from the new world back to Europe. A good baked potato is (forgive me for my awful food descriptions) somewhat fibrous in texture but ultimately soft. Depending on how you handle the exterior of the potato you can get different results. I prefer mine crisp and flaky. As I was saying though, the Irish were on to something. Two potatoes filled me up something proper.

I saw Starship Troopers tonight in the theater with the director Paul Verhoeven. For those not familiar, he has directed films such as Robocop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Flesh and Blood, Showgirls, and Hollow Man. There was a question and answer portion after the film and it revealed something that I always wanted to know about Paul Verhoeven. It isn't some fluke coincidence that there is usually nudity in his films and it focuses on womens breasts. He just likes looking at them! Stunner.

Finally, I'm waiting on a call for a job that I interviewed with. If i get it tomorrow I will celebrate. If I don't get it tomorrow I will sulk. The end game will be the same though. DRINKING