Monday, May 10, 2010

Least Liked Women in History

In No Particular Order:

1. Marie Antoinette - Although she never actually said it, often attributed with the statement, "LET THEM EAT CAKE." Which I do. I eat cake.

2. Yoko Ono - Blamed for ruining The Beatles and dredging up the fact that yes, she was married to John Lenno.

3. Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu - First Lady of South Vietnam from 1955-1963. Well known as a world class bitch. Referred to Thích Quảng Đức (the Buddhist monk who famously lit himself ablaze) immolation as a "barbecue" and stated, "Let them burn and we shall clap our hands."

4. Mother Theresa - Total bitch

5. Hera - Her husband Zeus has a lot of kids with other women mortal and immortal. When Heracles is born the logical thing is to send two snakes at the young baby and have him killed. That failed.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Who Wins in Nostalgic Song War?

America's - Sister Golden Hair vs. Seals and Crofts - Summer Breeze ???

Both are powerful songs that are clearly indicative of their time and place and also manage to evoke a sense of nostalgia. Does it get any more cornball/awesome than the line 'blowing through the jasmine in my mind'???


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Highly Directed Advertisments

We all use the internet. If you're reading this you're definitely using the internet. My favorite thing about online advertisements are the ones that use your IP address to figure out where you live. That way instead of saying "Meet Sexy Singles" it says "Meet Sexy Singles in Santa Monica!" Or, "Santa Monica - Mom loses 46 pounds following 1 simple rule."

Are we to believe that people actually feel more compelled to click on that bullshit because, holy cow, that mom lives where I live!? Actually, scratch that, I know it works because people still fall for the Nigerian Prince crap all the time.

I would also like to take this time to point out that the hysteria over the KFC DoubleDown has been way overblown and verges on Obama Birther levels of stupidity. It's a sandwich that instead of bread uses chicken! Often times buns on fast food sandwiches are have absurd levels of sugar and carbs in the overly processed white bread buns. Hundreds of calories for two pieces of bread. I'm actually going to try to the double down later today so maybe my arteries will instantly harden as my blood turns gelatinous but it seems unlikely. Anyone who drinks a lot of probably worse off than someone who eats 1 freaking double down.

It's the weekend though so go out and enjoy it.